Overcome the confidence-crushing concerns that hold you back

Tiny Course Empire Podcast
Tiny Course Empire Podcast
Overcome the confidence-crushing concerns that hold you back

Overthinking. If you’re like me, that’s what you do when have a great idea for a new course, but you’re anxious about putting it out there for the world to see. Suddenly you’re filled with questions.

What if you don’t know enough about the subject you want to teach?

What if you get lost in a sea of others all talking about the same thing?

What if what you make doesn’t live up to your own (ridiculously) high standards?

Just who do you think you are, anyway?

Creators in every niche can find these and other questions on endless repeat in our minds. If we’re not careful, they’ll kill our confidence and shatter our dreams.

On this episode of the Tiny Course Empire podcast, I’ll give you a new way to think about these and other confidence-crushers, and I’ll share my personal struggle as well.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • The confidence-crushing question that kept me from creating my first digital course (until a smart coach set me straight)
  • Why “expert status” is overrated, and what you should aim for instead
  • Why it’s ok (maybe even preferable) to admit when you don’t have all the answers
  • What it really means to have a USP (unique selling proposition)
  • How to think about your competition
  • Why you’ll never run out of ideas for new courses and content

Resources mentioned:

  • Erica says:

    Hi Cindy! I just listened to Episode 88. I felt like you were speaking directly to me. I am not sure why I let overthinking hold me back from creating content that I know will help people. Thank you for this episode, I appreciate your candor and inspiration.

    • Cindy says:

      Because you’re human, and overthinking is what we do. 🙂

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