Every good email marketer knows you have to nurture your new subscribers, right?
But what if it turns out the whole “nurturing” thing has morphed into something it was never meant to be? What if instead of building stronger relationships, you’re actually hurting them by trying so hard to “add value” that you forget to sell to them at all?
That’s what I’m asking in this episode of the Tiny Course Empire Podcast, and I have to warn you, I may have been a little fired up in this one. Tell me in the comments below if you think I’m way off base or if you agree. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Prefer a transcript? Here you go!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- How the word “nurture” has come to mean something completely different than it was originally intended.
- Why nurturing your list might actually be hurting the relationships it’s designed to, well… nurture.
- How we waste time and money by waiting “until the last email of a sequence” to ask for the sale.
- Why your audience needs you to make offers (in other words, to sell them something).
- How not to overcomplicate and overthink the whole thing. It’s just email, after all.
Resources mentioned:
- Six-Figure Systems includes more than 60 courses and toolkits to help grow your business. Start your $7 trial today and see everything that’s included.
- Tiny Course Empire Episode #6: Email Funnels for Non-Marketers
- What can I mail my list today? Use these suggestions to send regular campaigns (broadcast emails) OR as a part of your nurture sequence.