What can I mail my list today?

What Can I Mail My List Today?

If there’s anything we struggle with when it comes to email marketing, it’s this:

[click_to_tweet tweet=”How often should I mail my list, and what can I send them? ” quote=”How often should I mail my list, and what can I send them? ” theme=”style2″]

Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve asked yourself those same questions, too.

Personally, my goal is to mail every day. It’s important to me to create a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs, and to provide them with actionable tips and solid business-building information and resources, and I believe the best way to do that is through email.

But like everyone, I sometimes have trouble finding new things to say (which is why, if you’re on my list, you don’t always hear from me every day).

Then I sat down to really think about it, and I realized that there a lots (and lots, and lots) of things I can share with you that are helpful or thought provoking or funny or money making.

Here’s what I came up with. Now, whenever I need a little inspiration, this is where I turn. Maybe it will help you as well.

49 Emails You Can Send to Your List

  1. A how-to email with instructions for completing a task
  2. A video review of a new tool or resource
  3. Your opinion about a strategy or resource
  4. Reader questions and your answers
  5. Your product FAQs
  6. A teaser and link to your latest blog post
  7. A teaser and link to an old blog post your reader may have missed
  8. A teaser and link to someone else’s blog post
  9. Book reviews or recommended reading list
  10. Commentary on an interesting social media discussion
  11. A text interview with a guest expert
  12. A funny or inspirational video
  13. An infographic
  14. A “flash sale” offer
  15. Pros and cons of a tool or strategy
  16. A customer survey
  17. An invitation to an upcoming webinar or other event
  18. A personal update
  19. A resource list
  20. A quick challenge to get them motivated to take action
  21. A behind-the-scenes look at your business
  22. A downloadable PDF or list-magnet
  23. A mistake you made (and the lesson you learned)
  24. A curated list of related posts from around the web
  25. A regular newsletter
  26. A myth-busting article
  27. A teaser about a new project you have in the works
  28. A case study
  29. Industry news and current events
  30. A cautionary tale
  31. The story of something that didn’t work out as planned
  32. Something you wish you knew when you were just starting out
  33. Industry stats or survey results
  34. An exclusive coupon
  35. Product or service updates
  36. A testimonial or feedback request
  37. A self assessment or quiz
  38. Best buys in your industry
  39. A quick, actionable tip
  40. A controversial opinion
  41. Links to your current or past interviews and appearances
  42. A sneak peek at your paid course
  43. A short training series or ecourse
  44. Income, growth, traffic or other stats
  45. A personal introduction to a colleague
  46. Seasonal tips or reminders
  47. New product announcement
  48. Promo of an older product
  49. A list (like this!)

What about you? What will YOU mail your list today?

Share your ideas in the comments, and if your list-building efforts could use a little help, grab my list of opt-in incentive ideas.

  • Avery says:

    Cindy, what a terrific post! I LOVE these ideas so much I sent a link to this article to my mailing list. I think they’ll find your suggestions inspiring. 🙂

    • Cindy says:

      Thanks Avery! I’m glad you found them useful! 🙂

  • Nicole Dean says:

    What will I mail my lists today? This blog post. 🙂 And a story about how I’ve been feeling puny lately. Maybe someone reading it can relate and feel ready to try something new.

    • Cindy says:

      Excellent idea! I love it! 🙂

  • Angel Santos says:

    Cindy!! You were my nominee and blog posts like this is why!! I’m so inspired!! Thanks for sharing such value packed content!!

    • Cindy says:

      Thanks Angel! I so glad you found this helpful. 🙂

  • This is great! It’ll help me fight the tendency to want to write epic emails, for one thing. Time to lighten up a little!

  • Pam says:

    Thanks for the great ideas, Cindy!

    I did some brainstorming for some blog posts an hour before your email arrived. These tips will definitely become part of my list. I’ll definitely be sharing your post too.

  • Wendy Owen says:

    These are great ideas Cindy. They’re not all suitable for my niche, but they help generate other ideas that would be. I’m starting from scratch, trying to build a new list with Active Campaign as well as juggling website creation, course content and lead magnets. Wondering what to email my peeps has had me procrastinating for almost a year!
    Being a member of your 6 figure program is helping me get there bit-by-bit and I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, so thanks 🙂

    • Cindy says:

      Yes! The light at the end of the tunnel is fantastic! 🙂

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