You make as many as 35,000 decisions every single day: whether to get up or hit the snooze, what to wear, what to eat, which route to take to the store, which movie to watch. The list is almost endless. Most decisions are made in a fraction of a second

Is it possible to guarantee your business success? It is when you learn to be relentless. Here are seven tactics to boost your resolve and help you keep going even when you want to quit.

Photo of Amy Kuphal

In this episode, guest Amy Kuphal pulls back the curtain on her personal email marketing strategy, including how she makes writing email content easier, how she grows her mailing list, and what she sees as the most important part of your lead magnet.

This week, Kelly McCausey joins me to talk about content marketing, why it matters in your business, and how you can step out of your comfort zone and create more of what you want in the world.

Twice each month we host live Q & A calls for our Six-Figure Systems members. In this episode, I’m giving you a sneak peek inside one of those calls. You’ll learn about prioritizing your projects, growing your email list, and more.

SOPs. Checklists. Procedures. Systems. Whatever you call them, you absolutely need them to keep your business running smooth. Here’s how to create them, and more importantly, how to make the best use of them.

Reading, watching webinars, and even taking courses can feel like you’re being productive and getting things done, but is it the best use of your time? Finding the balance between content creation and content consumption is something all business owners need to manage, and that’s what we’re talking about on this episode of the Tiny Course Empire podcast.

What’s your content marketing style? Will you be all business? Will you let your personality determine the direction you take? Or will you approach your content like a scientist, and follow the keyword data to find success? Find out which style is right for you in this episode of the Tiny Course Empire podcast.

If you feel like you’re always re-inventing the wheel with every project, or you just don’t know how to get everything done in a timely manner, then listen up. I’m going to give you a four-step action plan that makes creating efficient, repeatable workflows easy.

The course is done, the sales page is written, and you’re ready to launch. Except there’s something missing… testimonials. But how can you get testimonials when you haven’t sold anything yet? Here are seven strategies to try, and they work even if you’re brand new.

As online business owners, we’re no stranger to digital tools. We build websites, edit video, create graphics, develop courses, take payments, host video calls, and even sometimes use pen and paper to organize our thoughts. Always in the back of our minds lurks the question, is this the best tool?

As many as 80 million people in the US alone are pursuing a side hustle along with their day job. If you’re one of them, here’s my best advice for keeping all those balls in the air without stressing yourself out (much).

Business ownership is a great teacher, but sometimes I have to learn the same things over and over again. Here’s what I’ve learned in 100 episodes of the Tiny Course Empire podcast. It’s my hope that you’ll learn these lessons along with me.

One of the biggest lessons I learned in business is that I don’t have to work harder to make more money. I just have to strategically improve what’s already working. In this episode, we’ll take a look at three ways you can improve your email marketing efforts without working harder or sending more emails.
