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This is the final episode before we kick off a brand new year. And since this is episode 22, I thought it was only fitting that we celebrate with 22 ways we can all have a more successful 2022.
Whether you’re a course creator, a coach, or a digital product seller, and even if you’re just starting out on your business journey, you’ll find something here to kick off the new year with purpose.
Here’s to a fantastic year for us all.
Prefer a transcript? Here you go!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- How taking better care of your mind and your body can make a difference in your business results, too.
- Why you should say “no” more often.
- Why you might be “failing ahead of time” and what to do instead.
- How digital (and physical) clutter causes stress and wasted time.
- How to let things go and feel good about it.
- How the simple act of tracking your KPIs can dramatically improve your business.
- The number one thing you can to do increase your income and audience reach this year.
Resources mentioned:
- The Intentional Inbox: This free resource from Kelly McCausey will change how you do email.
- Organizational Mastery for Online Entrepreneurs: I taught this workshop live, and the replay is now a part of the Six-Figure Systems membership.
- Sunk costs fallacy: The human tendency to put more effort, time, or money into a failing project, simply because we’ve already invested so much.
- How to Be Consistent: Being consistent is far more important than being a brilliant marketer or having a great business mind.
- A Year of Yes: Shonda Rhimes’ bestseller about saying yes to more opportunities. I’m saying no instead, and I talk about that here.
- How Cal Newport reads five books every month.
- Rescue Time, Toggl, and Clockify: Tools I’ve used to track my time.
- Tips for adding more passive income to your business.
- “… It’s not like if you don’t take action you’re reducing your risk of failure. You’re just failing ahead of time.” Brook Castillo, the Life Coach School Podcast.
I started to smile when I heard the very first tip, Cindy, because I started to do the digital declutter and file organizing sometime in November during the Hindu Festive season when I had time to do it. Made a big difference. I also picked again up a project for a course that was on the backburner and all it requires is some loving attention while I dumped some others that aren’t core to my business any longer. Thanks for all the 22 tips.
Don’t you just love a fresh, new year for doing a big sweep up and regroup? So inspiring!