In July 2021, our website server crashed. What started as an inconvenience quickly turned into a catastrophic failure, as we discovered that the recovery systems we had in place simply weren’t good enough.
Four days later, all sites were still offline, as we were still putting the pieces back together. Better systems would have saved us so much time, money, and frustration.
In this episode, we’re facing the hard facts about what it really takes to protect your business from this kind of disaster. I know so many small business owners who either don’t understand the risks, or who simply choose to ignore them.
Because here’s the truth: Sooner or later, your server will crash. Your website, maybe your entire business, can be gone in a flash.
Will you be able to recover quickly when it happens? Will you be able to recover at all?
Listen in to find out what you can do right now to prevent (and recover from) this kind of disaster in your online business.
Prefer a transcript? Here you go!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- Five things you must do to protect your business
- Why you can’t just “set it and forget it” when it comes to backups
- Other things you might not think about backing up (but you definitely should)
- The different types of hosting accounts and which one you should purchase
- Six changes we made after the crash to better protect our business
Resources mentioned:
- LiquidWeb is our hosting platform
- Dropbox is great for redundancy, but it’s not a backup solution
- BackBlaze continues to get rave reviews for local backups
- BackupBuddy and UpDraft Plus are both solid choices for backing up your WordPress website
- aMember is our shopping cart
- HackerTarget will tell you how many other sites are sharing your server
- LastPass and 1Password both help you keep your passwords safe
- Hazel helps me automate tasks on my Mac
- FileJuggler looks like a useful Hazel alternative for PC users