In a perfect world, we’d have all of our expenses covered each month, and we’d have plenty of “fun money” stashed away in case we wanted to take a last-minute trip or buy a fancy laptop or splurge on a new wardrobe.
For small business owners though, income ups and downs don’t always make that possible. That feast-or-famine cycle can cause havoc in your budget, and make it seem as if you’ll never get ahead.
But here’s the good news:
You have everything you need to earn an extra $1,000 (or more) whenever you need to!
With just a little creativity, you can easily boost your revenue, and often in a very short time frame. You won’t have to say “no”
And here’s the best news of all. Once you learn how to conjure up cash on demand, you’ll use that skill over and over again to grow your business.
Prefer a transcript? Here you go!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- The fastest way to earn money in any niche
- Where to look for freelance gigs even if you’re brand new
- Real world examples of people who tapped into their unique skill sets with great success
- How to leverage your course-creation skills for fast cash even if you don’t (yet) have a course to sell
- Where to find instant commission affiliate offers you can promote
- How to turn your abandoned projects into quick cash
Resources mentioned:
- Six-Figure Systems is my monthly training program for online business owners. Start your
7-day, all-access trial today. - Kelly McCausey hangs out at LovePeopleMakeMoney.com
- You can hire Tishia Lee to write your affiliate swipes (and plenty of other smart tasks) at TishiaSavesTime.com
- Crissy Herron is the head honcho at IndieBizChicks.com
- Angela Wills teaches lifestyle-focused business owners how to have a thriving email list.
- Debbie Gartner blogged herself out of $200k in debt, and she’ll show you how you can do it, too.
- Zaxxa and Warrior+ both feature instant commission affiliate programs.
- ProBlogger.com has job boards for writers.
- VANetworking.com members enjoy access to job boards with a wide variety of freelance
work. - Upwork.com brings small business owners and freelancers together.
- Fiverr.com is a great place to start if you have a very specific skill to share.