Business—and life in general—is filled with conflicting advice.
We hear about the latest and best email platform, only to be told a week later that this other one is better. A new social platform is suddenly everyone’s favorite hangout, when just last month they were raving about a different app.
Even business models are not immune. Are courses dead? Or are they making a comeback? Who even knows?
All this conflicting advice is bad for business, and in more ways than one. It keeps you stuck, never able to fully embrace any one strategy, to become proficient at it, to leverage it to its full capability. It’s a primary cause of shiny object syndrome, that well-known affliction that causes us to move quickly from one thing to the next, never gaining traction anywhere.
Short of unsubscribing from every business focused podcast and YouTube channel or moving to an off-grid cabin on a mountaintop, what else can you do to navigate through all of this conflicting advice?
I have some (hopefully non-conflicting) advice you can try.
Prefer a transcript? Here you go!
And if you’d prefer the video version, you’ll find it on my YouTube channel.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- How our pursuit of quick wins leaves us vulnerable to conflicting advice
- Why comparisonitis makes you think you’re failing, even when you’re right on track
- Understanding the difference between learning and doing (one matters way more than the other)
- The power of starting before you’re ready
- Three questions to ask when deciding which advice to follow
Resources mentioned:
- Amy Porterfield’s podcast is one of the best
- Pat Flynn is a fantastic role model for online entrepreneurs
- Gary Vaynerchuck has super-human content creation powers. His advice to create 64 pieces of content in a day proves it.
- The Side Hustle Show is filled with ideas and inspiration
- $100 MBA offers plenty of practical advice no matter what business you’re in
- Six-Figure Systems is my monthly training program to help your business grow. Get started for just $7 today.