The habits that hold you back

Tiny Course Empire Podcast
Tiny Course Empire Podcast
The habits that hold you back

Rachel Rogers tells the story of Noah Kagan asking, “Why isn’t your business at $100 million yet?” She didn’t have a good answer.

It’s a thought-provoking question and one I want to ponder (on a bit smaller scale), so I wrote a sticky note and stuck it on the wall above my desk.

“Why aren’t we earning $1M?”

It’s easy to blame the economy, the competition, or Mercury in Retrograde (whatever that means).

It’s much harder to point the finger back at myself and ask, “Why aren’t we earning $1M yet?”

One thing I’ve uncovered—or let’s call it RE-discovered—is that habits are what make or break you, both in business and in life. And I have more than a few bad habits holding me back.

Maybe you do, too. Let’s figure out how to fix them.

Prefer a transcript? Here you go!

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How to stop letting problems get in the way of finding a solution.
  • Why we overthink things, and how to keep things simple instead.
  • Why it’s almost never the right time to change tools or platforms.
  • What to do if you find yourself sucked into a rabbit hole of mindless scrolling.

Resources mentioned:
