Courses vs Coaching: How to Choose Your Business Model

Tiny Course Empire Podcast
Tiny Course Empire Podcast
Courses vs Coaching: How to Choose Your Business Model

You already know you have something big to share with the world. You’ve overcome an obstacle, or achieved a goal, or helped others to do the same. You’re excited about the impact you can have on the world, and looking forward to being your own boss.

The only question that remains is, “What’s the best business model to choose? Should you create courses or become a coach?”

That’s what we’re answering in this episode of the Tiny Course Empire podcast. We’ll take a look at what makes each model appealing, the big drawbacks you need to be aware of, and I’ll give you some pointers for choosing the best model for you, your goals, and your students and clients, as well.

Prefer a transcript? Here you go!

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • 3 big downsides to the course creator model, and how coaching solves those problems
  • How to fix the scalability issue you’ll face as a coach
  • How even low-cost courses can turn into a seven-figure business
  • The unique advantage a course-based business has over coaching
  • Why you might want to consider a hybrid approach that capitalizes on the best elements of each model
  • What it really takes to charge top dollar as a coach

Resources mentioned:

  • In Six Ways to Validate Your Course Idea, I’ll help you determine if your idea has legs or if you should go back to the drawing board.
  • Coaching Without Calls from Angela Wills will show you how to do exactly that. If you’ve ever thought that you’d love to coach, but don’t have the time flexibility, this course is for you.
  • Six-Figure Systems is my monthly program where I share everything I know about launching, growing, and scaling an online business. Start an all-access, seven-day trial for just $7 when you visit