How Can I Make More Money?

Smart entrepreneurs continually ask, “How can I make more money,” and not just today, but every day.

Generally, more money comes down to two things: later money and now money.

Later money comes from reaching more buyers, and now money comes from making more offers. And the really smart business owners do both without adding any more to-do items to an already busy schedule.

18 Ways to Reach a Bigger Audience

  1. Create a non-expiring promo code and email swipe for your VIP affiliates and send it to them to add to their autoresponders.
  2. Republish your blog posts on with a great call to action.
  3. Turn a blog series into a free Kindle book and promote your best opt-in offer inside.
  4. Revisit old blog posts and update links, references, and SEO to bring in new traffic.
  5. Brag about your subscriber count on your opt-in pages to add social proof and improve conversions.
  6. Use viral sharing tools to drive free traffic to your opt-ins.
  7. Use the “Ask Pending Members Questions” option in your Facebook group to promote your best opt-in offer.
  8. Promote a great opt-in with low cost Facebook ads (and back it up with a tripwire to reduce the cost even more).
  9. Upload your YouTube videos directly to your Facebook page (don’t just link) for better engagement (always include a call to action to your opt-in).
  10. Use to get your best blog posts in front of more people.
  11. Use Thrive Leads to add “content upgrades” to your blog posts.
  12. Add opt-in forms in the middle of a longer blog post.
  13. Add a signup link to your Facebook page.
  14. Enter an existing product in a giveaway event.
  15. Use a greeter bar on your blog.
  16. Add exit-intent pop-up forms to your website.
  17. Create links for your affiliates to promote your free offers.
  18. Remove distractions (like other links) from your landing pages.

31 Ways to Make More Offers

  1. Add a tripwire offer to an opt-in funnel.
  2. Create a follow-up email that promotes your products page.
  3. Add your best offers to SocialBee or MeetEdgar for automatic promotions.
  4. Add a “resources” page to your blog and share it regularly in your newsletter and on social media.
  5. Add a FAQ page to your help desk with links to your products and services.
  6. Promote complementary services in your product follow-ups.
  7. Create an automated re-engagement campaign to remind subscribers who haven’t opened an email in a while about all the great stuff they’re missing.
  8. Use an abandoned cart email strategy to recover lost sales.
  9. Get on your competitors’ email lists and pay attention to what they promote, and add the products that fit to your own funnels.
  10. Repurpose your best performing broadcast emails into autoresponders.
  11. Grab the swipe files from your favorite affiliate programs and add them to your autoresponders.
  12. Add a recommended reading list to your blog with Amazon affiliate links to your favorite books.
  13. Pitch new projects to existing clients.
  14. Promote your best blog posts in your email autoresponders so new subscribers can benefit from your older content.
  15. Segment your email list for targeted follow-ups.
  16. Add relevant product promos to your free PDF downloads.
  17. Pay attention to your email marketing stats then make the necessary changes to improve them.
  18. Make it a habit to resend your broadcast emails to everyone who didn’t open the first time.
  19. Add an “order bump” to your checkout pages.
  20. Promote your bestselling products in your blog sidebar.
  21. If your customers have to log in to your site to access their purchases, create a dashboard with all your available products, leaving those they haven’t purchased yet “grayed out” to create FOMO.
  22. Split test everything. What “your gut tells you” is probably wrong.
  23. Put a link to your latest product in your email signature. Update as needed.
  24. Add recommended resources to your product download pages.
  25. Add “next step” recommendations to your product autoresponders.
  26. Use “canned responses” in your help desk to promote relevant products when appropriate.
  27. Create a “Start Here” page on your website with links to the best training and resources (both free and paid) that you have.
  28. Beef up your opt-in offer welcome email with additional information about you, your products and services, and a testimonial or two.
  29. Add links to your best selling products in your “about me” page.
  30. Add a “how to get this course for free” email to your autoresponder with a link to sign up for your affiliate program.
  31. Create a messenger bot to reply to messages to your Facebook page with product and resource suggestions.

This is a cornerstone of my training program, Six-Figure Systems. If you struggle to know “what’s next” or you feel like you’re working all the time with little progress to show for it, I invite you to join us.


  • Loretta says:

    These are great tips ~ a few I hadn’t really thought about. Looks like you just gave me a to-do list 😉

  • Kohava says:

    Wonderful!! Thank you

  • Iris says:

    A really awesome list of tips to help generate more customers and profits. Thank you, Cindy!!!

    • Cindy says:

      Hi Iris – I’m glad you found the list helpful. 🙂

  • Ellen says:

    An amazing list! I’ve got work to do…

    • Cindy says:

      There is ALWAYS more work to do. 🙂

  • Kelsey says:

    This list is great! Thank you so much.

    • Cindy says:

      You’re welcome Kelsey. I’m glad you found the list helpful!

  • Great list. I really think email marketing is one of the best ways to build your business. The key is to get a robust list in place so that you can have a base of fans who enjoy responding to your offers. Content marketing, freebies and social media are long-term strategies, but they do help you build your list over time.

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