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What’s included in the Six-Figure Systems Standard, VIP, and VIP Plus levels?

Six-Figure Systems Standard level includes our most impactful courses and toolkits, live workshops and courses (with replays), and twice-monthly Q & A calls to get all your questions answered. It’s ideal for self-starters who thrive with self-study resources and who need minimal support to achieve their goals.

The VIP level includes everything in the Standard level, as well as monthly Mindset Coaching Calls, monthly Open Office Hours, the VIP Vault filled with additional courses and toolkits, and access to our private, member community. VIP is our most popular level thanks to the added support. It’s perfect for you if you value a more personalized, supportive experience.

VIP Plus is our premier level, and includes everything in the VIP level, plus one 30-minute, private coaching call with Cindy each month. Unlike Open Office Hours, this private call is scheduled when it’s convenient for you. The VIP Plus plan is designed for those who value a private coaching experience, but who prefer a smaller investment.

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