Course creators, product sellers, coaches, and other bootstrappers…

It’s time to turn in your solopreneur card and finally find the support you need to grow your business!

Even if you’ve failed at hiring before or think you don’t have the budget for it!

Picture this:

It’s Monday morning, and you’ve got a to-do list as long as the line for ice cream on a summer afternoon. There are landing pages to build, video that needs editing, social graphics to create, support tickets in need of answers, websites to update… the list goes on.

When are you even going to find the time to do the really important work? You know, the kind that actually brings in money and serves your clients—in other words, the work you love to do.

You start to think (for the 47th time this month) “If only I could clone myself…”

You know outsourcing is the key to higher profits, but you’re stuck…

Listen, it doesn’t take a PhD to figure out that minimizing the busy work so you can maximize your money tasks is going to equal more profits in your business.

The problem is, like so many other small business owners who are so busy treading water that they simply can’t find the time or energy to hire help, you’re firmly stuck in DIY mode.

  • “It’s faster to do it myself than to train someone.” Sure, it’s faster today. But by the time you do that same task three or four times, you could have documented it and trained an assistant, and you’ll never have to do it again!
  • “It only takes a few minutes to do this. It’s not worth hiring someone to handle it for me.” But those few minutes here and there add up to one giant time suck over the course of a week or a month.
  • “I can’t afford to hire someone. Maybe next year when my profits are higher.” Except with you on the hamster wheel every day, your profits never seem to go up at all.

Even getting past those hurdles doesn’t always work…

Or maybe you’ve tried hiring team members before and had disastrous results.

  • You’ve been “ghosted” by enthusiastic writers who then didn’t actually do the work (sometimes even AFTER you’ve paid them).
  • You’ve spent hours cleaning up the messes left by team members who… well, let’s just say they exaggerated their skills a tiny bit.
  • You’re a self-diagnosed “control freak” who has trouble letting go and as a result, you’re unsatisfied with everyone you’ve hired. Why can’t you just find a clone of yourself?
  • You’ve felt the frustration of finally hiring the perfect assistant, only to have her quit after a few weeks when something better came along, sending you right back to square one.

You might even be one of millions of small business owners who know the benefits of outsourcing, and who jumped in with both feet, only to struggle to fill the time you’ve paid for.

If any of that sounds familiar, you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault. No one is born knowing how to manage a team, and it’s especially hard when you’re bootstrapping your business as so many of us do!

Whatever the reason for your past outsourcing failures—whether you’ve hired before you were ready, onboarded the wrong person, or just didn’t have the skills to be an effective team leader, you’ll find the answer inside Outsourcing Success Plan.

Each lesson is designed to help you navigate the process of hiring, training, managing, and mentoring your team. I’ll walk you step by step through the entire process to give you…

  • Clarity about who to hire and when, because jumping in too soon will only add to your stress.
  • Budgetary insights based on real numbers rather than “gut feelings.”
  • Action strategies for finding and hiring the best team members at rates you can afford.
  • Tips for creating a loyal, self-sufficient team who will happily treat your business as their own.

Imagine what your business will look like when you finally create the “dream team” that can help it thrive! Every lesson in The Outsourcing Success Plan is a step along the way to that goal.

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Lesson 1: 

Choosing the Best Outsourcing Strategy for Your Business

Before you can effectively hire anyone in your business, you must have an outsourcing strategy that makes sense. In this lesson, I’ll guide you through…

  • Understanding the three types of team members you can hire, and how to know which one is right for your needs. This is the number one mistake small business owners make, and it costs them in lost time and money.
  • Why hiring for small projects is so expensive, and what you can do to better leverage your outsourcing budget. (It’s counterintuitive, but it works!)
  • Why the most common advice you’ll hear about outsourcing is nearly always the wrong way to go, and what to do instead.
  • The critical differences between hiring an agency and hiring a freelancer, and how to make the right choice for you, your business, and your budget.

If you’re stuck firmly in the no time/no money groove (understandable when you’re new to outsourcing) or if you’ve hired team members and been burned by the experience, this lesson is going to eliminate a lot of stress. We’ll simplify the options, clarify the confusing details, and create a manageable roadmap to your outsourcing success.

Lesson 2: 

Planning for Your First Hire

By the end of lesson 1, you’ll be feeling pretty excited about your new outsourcing plan. You’ll finally have a better understanding of who to hire, and maybe why you haven’t been successful in the past.  

But before you head out in search of your new team members, let’s make sure you’ve set yourself up for a smooth and profitable transition from solopreneur to team leader.  

In lesson two, we’re going to delve a little deeper into the strategies that will ensure your success, includ-ing

  • How to choose the tasks and projects you should be outsourcing, and why the advice to “outsource what you don’t love doing” might just end up costing you more than it’s worth.
  • Exploring your outsourcing readiness checklist, so you can be absolutely sure you have everything in place before you make your first hire. This alone will save you (and your future team) hours of frustration, lost time, and added expenses.
  • Your outsourcing budget, and how to make sure your investment doesn’t outpace your return. It’s shocking how fast outsourcing bills can add up, so don’t get caught short.

After working through lesson two, you’ll know exactly what tasks and projects will bring you the most bang for your outsourcing buck. Not only that, but you’ll also get crystal clear on any missing pieces you must put in place before you spend your first dollar. When you get this right, you’ll be in a much better position to profit from your outsourcing plan.

And isn’t that the point?

Lesson 3:

Designing Stress-Free Workflows

With all you’ve learned in the first two lessons, you’ll be feeling much more confident in your outsourcing plans. Now it’s time to make sure you’re ready to welcome new team members to an organized and well-managed system.

In lesson three, we’re going to create the business systems that will help eliminate onboarding and training frustrations, including…

  • How to design and implement simple standard operating procedures to eliminate mistakes and save time for everyone. Just by implementing this system, you’ll save hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year in lost time, so don’t make the mistake if thinking this is too basic (or boring) to be of any benefit.
  • The easy way to train your new team members to do the tasks you’re assigning to them, and how that training ties in with your new standard operating procedures.
  • How to choose the right tools to make staying organized and communicating with one another easier. Even better, the best tools are free (and you’re probably already using them).

Laying the groundwork before you hire is not only going to save you time and money, but it’s going to reduce stress levels for everyone on your team—including you.

Lesson 4:

How to Find, Interview, and Onboard New Team Members

Once you’ve got a solid foundation in place, you’re ready to bring on team members to support your business vision, but contrary to what some would have you believe, there’s a lot more to this process than simply heading to Fiverr or Upwork. After all, you want long-term, sustainable relationships, not a one-night stand.

In this lesson, we’ll dive into what it really takes to build a team, including…

  • Where to find your next new hire (and it’s not any of the “go to” sites you’ve probably already tried).
  • How to write an effective job listing so you don’t waste your time (or theirs) interviewing and training those who aren’t a good fit.
  • What to ask in an interview, and the one thing that’s more important than experience or even references.
  • How to quickly onboard a new team member and set them up for long-term success—this is critical to the health of your team and your business, so don’t skimp here!

If you’ve been frustrated by outsourcing in the past, there’s a good chance it’s because your team was too demanding of your time. After all, what good does it do to hire someone you have to then micro-manage?

In lesson five, we’ll completely eliminate those roadblocks by…

Lesson 5:

Developing a Self-Sufficient, Get-It-Done Team

If you’ve been frustrated by outsourcing in the past, there’s a good chance it’s because your team was too demanding of your time. After all, what good does it do to hire someone you have to then micro-manage?

In lesson five, we’ll completely eliminate those roadblocks by…

  • Creating a culture of self-sufficiency for your team. You’ll rarely hear about problems or even have to answer questions, so you can focus on your money-making projects instead.
  • Providing useful feedback to improve your teams’ skills, and mentoring them to increase their value AND their loyalty.
  • Ensuring everyone on your team feels appreciated and valued—and it’s not about giving them raises.

Having a team that manages itself is what true passive income looks like in business, and it’s not just for big corporations. Even tiny teams of one or two freelancers can benefit from these strategies.

Lesson 6:

Preparing to Scale

There comes a time in every small business owners’ life when you ask yourself, “Is it time to bring on a new team member?”

In this lesson, we’ll examine that question in detail so you don’t run the risk of outspending your outsourcing budget. We’ll cover…

  • How to know when it’s the right time to bring on additional team members. There’s a tendency to want to hire to solve every problem, but moving too fast can be a disaster.
  • How to create organizational chart for your growing team. This must-have item is often overlooked, but it helps everyone be more focused and successful.
  • How to ensure you don’t get left in the lurch when an illness—or a better job—takes one of your team away for a period of time. This simple strategy is frequently ignored until it’s too late, and when that happens, you’re the one who pays the price.

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Aren’t you tired of trying to do it all by yourself?

Close your eyes for a minute and remember the vision you had of being a business owner. You pictured days spent coaching clients and creating content and building a community. You dreamed of four-hour workweeks and taking summers off and random Tuesday afternoons at the beach.

You probably didn’t think you’d be spending most of your time troubleshooting broken websites or formatting emails or researching hashtags. And I know you didn’t intend to be working even more hours than you were when you had a day job.

You can get that dream back. All it takes is to shed that solopreneur label and start making smart outsourcing choices that grow your business AND your profits.

Here’s everything that’s included inside The Outsourcing Success Plan

  • 6 video lessons, complete with audio downloads and full transcripts so you can easily access the training whenever and wherever you want, in the way that works best for you.
  • Printable checklists to make implementing the strategies and planning for your first (or next) hire easy.
  • Budget calculator and worksheets to ensure you don’t make the deadly mistake of investing too much, too soon.
  • Copy-and-paste templates so you can quickly create the documents your team will need for more effective and efficient workdays.
  • AND answers to your outsourcing questions, too! Just post a question on any lesson where you're feeling stuck, and I'll pop in with an answer for you, typically in less than 24 hours.
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If the Outsourcing Success Plan doesn't better prepare you for team building, simply email me within seven days for a prompt, courteous refund.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is The Outsourcing Success Plan for?

The Outsourcing Success Plan is for coaches, freelancers, course creators, and digital product sellers who are ready to scale their business, but who don’t have more hours to spend in their office just to do it. It’s for you if you know that the key to higher profits begins with creating time leverage, but you just don’t know how to get there.

 I'm a Six-Figure Systems member. Should I buy this?

Nope! This one is already in your member's area. :)

How is this training delivered?

This is a video course, so you can log into the member's area and watch when it's convenient for you. Plus, we offer full transcripts and audio downloads if you prefer those formats instead.

Is this PLR (private label rights) content?

No, these resources are for your personal use only. You may not repurpose or resell them, or give them away to your clients or others. Virtual assistants, freelancers and others MAY use the strategies they learn to improve client projects.

What if I decide this course just isn't for me? Can I get a refund?

Absolutely! We have a generous 7-day, no questions asked refund policy. Just send us an email and we'll process a refund if this course is not a fit for your business.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can reach me and my team by emailing We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

About Your Outsourcing Guide

Cindy Bidar

I began my online business journey in 2009 as a freelance content writer. In 2011 I quit my day job to work full-time as a virtual assistant. In the past 11+ years I’ve worked with dozens of small business owners just like you. I’ve hired, trained, managed, and mentored hundreds of team members both for my clients and in my own business.

I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and I’ve learned what works, and I’m sharing everything I know about outsourcing in this course. Come join me, and I’ll let you in on all the strategies that lead to outsourcing success.

Outsourcing Success Plan

Hire, Train, Manage, and Mentor a Team to Grow Your Business 

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