How to Finally Turn Your Email List Into a Profitable Business Asset That Converts Freebie Seekers Into Loyal Customers

Without feeling pushy or uncomfortable, and even if you think your list is unresponsive.

You've heard it dozens of times: "The money is in the list."

Coaches and course creators throw around numbers like "email marketing generates a 4200% return on investment" or "email marketers earn $1 per month for every subscriber on their list."

But if you're like many small business owners, you might struggle to see how that relates to you and your business.

You're not earning $1 for every subscriber—not even close!

You're definitely not earning 42x what you spend on email every month.

In fact, you might even be thinking that your list just isn't responsive, or maybe that you're not cut out for email marketing.

You might even have fallen into the habit of writing emails that read more like letters to a friend (not a bad thing) but that never quite get around to asking for the sale.

If any of that sounds like you, I bet I can guess why...

It's Just Plain Uncomfortable to Write Sales Emails

It doesn't matter if you're brand new to business or if you've been at it for years, asking someone to buy from you can just feel... Well, a bit icky.

You have all of these thoughts about how the other person will feel when they read your email.

Will they be annoyed and think you send too many emails?

Will they judge you for that misplaced apostrophe?

Will they roll their eyes and click the spam button?

The truth is, they might do or think all of those things. But when you know the right way to sell with email, there's also a good chance that they'll think, "This is exactly what I need right now."

Selling With Email is a Skill You Can Learn

Even if you think...

  • I don't know what to write
  • I feel like a used car salesman (ick!)
  • I'm a terrible writer (or I hate to write)
  • Everyone will unsubscribe if I email too often
  • I'm being too pushy
  • My list is just unresponsive

If you've ever struggled to write emails that sell, or you've thought to yourself, "I'm just not cut out for email marketing," then I want to invite you to join me for Selling With Email. I'll help you get past those roadblocks so you can create an email list that supports your business dreams and boosts your profits.

Watch the video below to learn how Selling With Email can help you.

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What Cindy's students say about her courses

I love how Cindy breaks down a large, complicated process into small, digestible bites. It reduces overwhelm and makes goals and tasks much more attainable!

Tina Huffman


Selling With Email

How to Write Emails That Engage Your Subscribers and Earn a Profit, too!

In this five part course, I'm banishing every single stumbling block email marketers face when writing sales emails, so you can...

  • Develop your own unique email style and voice. This is the key to a more responsive, profitable list, and there's a simple trick to it.
  • Feel confident about every sales email you send. All it takes is a simple mindset shift, and I'll show you how.
  • Write engaging emails your subscribers want to open and read.

Here's exactly what we're covering inside Selling With Email...

Lesson 1:

The Art of Writing Sales Emails That Don't Feel Icky

In this first lesson, we'll dig into what a sales email really is (the answer might surprise you) with the three must-have elements of an email that sells. Plus, we'll look at some of the reasons you might feel uncomfortable selling in email, as well as some solutions for developing your own personal style.

I'll help you...

  • Adopt a "selling is serving" mindset: You might think that making offers to your subscribers is intrusive or annoying, but when done right, it's actually helpful, so let's change your thinking around that idea. I guarantee not only will this shift help you, but it will improve the quality of the emails you send, too!
  • Develop an engaging writing voice: Personality counts when it comes to keeping your subscribers interested and opening your emails. Learn how to write with authenticity and your own personal style.
  • Learn the mechanics of a sales email: We'll look at the three must-have elements of a sales email, and how they work together to generate clicks (and profits). If your emails aren't performing as well as they could be, chances are you're missing one of these key pieces.

Lesson 2: 

How to Create Engaging Emails Your Subscribers Want to Open

It's not enough to build a large email list. If your subscribers don't care what you have to say, they're never going to open and click on your emails. In this lesson, we'll look at how smart marketers write emails that their subscribers look forward to reading.

You 'll learn to...

  • Write great subject lines: The most important list-engagement tool you have is your ability to write a good headline. In this lesson, we'll look at five ways you can craft better, more engaging subject lines.
  • Make a strong connection with your readers: When your subscribers enjoy reading your emails, they're much more likely to buy. We'll look at five ways you can create a stronger connection and encourage more opens.
  • Keep your subscribers coming back for more: Imagine a subscriber who actually looks forward to receiving your next email. That's exactly what your goal is, and in this lesson, we'll look at some ways you can make that happen.

Lesson 3: 

Get Past Your Fear of the "Send" Button

It can be intimidating to send an email out to hundreds or thousands of people, and if you overthink it, you might just find you never hit the send button at all. In this lesson, I'll share some practical advice you can use to not only change how you think about email, but also how your subscribers receive the email you send.

You'll discover how to...

  • Shift your mindset about email: Learn to change how you think about the community of people who have all asked to receive updates from you.
  • Appreciate the unsubscribes (yes, really): We'll look at some of the reasons people might unsubscribe from your email, and what it really means for you.
  • Provide alternatives for your subscribers: Sometimes what people really want is options. We'll look at the ways you can provide better value to your subscribers simply by offering them different ways to remain in your community.

Lesson 4: 

Tricks to Make Writing Emails Faster and Easier

If you "hate to write" you're going to want to pay special attention to this lesson, because inside, I'm going to give you my best strategies for getting the job done faster and easier than you thought possible.

By the end of this lesson, you'll confidently...

  • Choose the right tools for the job: Being well prepared and using tools you love (and that work) will make writing everything—including emails—easier and more fun.
  • Eliminate "blank page" syndrome: The hardest part of writing anything is just getting started. We'll look at three ways you can make this part easier (and save loads of time, too).  Here's a fun fact—I'm actually using this strategy right now, as I write this sales page.
  • Create a solid writing habit: The very best way to get comfortable with writing anything is to do more of it, so let's create an email writing habit you can stick with. This alone will serve you well throughout your online business journey, so the sooner you embrace it, the more successful you'll be.

Plus, I've included five real-world email examples and deconstructed how each one works so you can do the same with your next email marketing campaign. Just fill in the blanks with details about your offer!

Lesson 5: 

Simple Strategies to Transform Bad Writing Into Good

The number one reason you feel intimidated about selling in email is that you're comparing your first drafts to somone else's polished email. In this lesson, you'll learn how easy it is to turn even a poorly written email into a profitable piece of sales copy.

You'll learn to...

  • Write with more confidence: It's hard to make a sale when your content is filled with wishy-washy words and phrases that make you sound unsure of yourself. Choose stronger words to instill confidence in your writing style.
  • Edit well: Every piece of writing can use a good edit, but with email, we often hit send on our first draft. I'll show you an easy (and fast) three-step editing process that will polish up all your writing.
  • Show instead of tell: Take a page from the fiction-writing playbook and use better description in your emails. They'll not only be more engaging, but you'll find you have a better response rate as well.

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What Cindy's students say about her courses

Cindy is the best. This course provided me with exactly what I needed to learn. It was an excellent value and I'm very happy to recommend it. Thank you.

Trisha Fulton

Here’s everything that’s included inside Selling With Email

  • 5 video lessons quickly teach you what top email marketers know about profiting from email even if you think your list is "unresponsive" or you "hate to sell."
  • Transcripts and downloadable audio files for each lesson. Download the audio to your device for listening on the go or print the transcripts for offline reading.
  • Lesson workbooks with checklists and exercises to reinforce what you've learned. Print them out for offline use or fill them out right on your computer.
  • Proven, fill-in-the-blank email templates you can use. You'll learn exactly why each example worked so you can use the same process in your next email campaign. 
  • AND answers to your email marketing questions, too! Just post a question on any lesson where you're feeling stuck, and I'll pop in with an answer for you, typically in less than 24 hours.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If Selling With Email doesn't in any way help you increase your profits (and your email marketing confidence), simply contact me within seven days for a prompt, courteous refund. 

What Cindy's students say about her courses

Love the format of having transcripts along with the videos. Learned so much from the content as well as the model you have in place.

Joy Canupp

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for (fill in your business model here)?

If you have an email list, selling is a must-have skill. This course will help boost your confidence and your profits.

What if I don't have a big list of products?

Yes! It doesn't matter if you're selling your own products or affiliate offers, the skills you learn in this course will help you earn more with your email list.

Do I need to be using any specific software for this to work? 

No. This course is about the strategy and mindset that makes for a profitable email list. No specific software is needed or demonstrated in this course.

I'm a Six-Figure Systems member. Should I buy this?  

Nope! This one is already in your member's area. :)

How is this training delivered?

This is a video course, so you can log into the member's area and watch when it's convenient for you. Plus, we offer full transcripts and audio downloads if you prefer those formats instead.

Is this PLR (private label rights) content?

No, these resources are for your personal use only. You may not repurpose or resell them, or give them away to your clients or others. Virtual assistants, freelancers and others MAY use the strategies they learn to improve client projects.

What if I decide this course just isn't for me? Can I get a refund?

Absolutely! We have a generous 7-day, no questions asked refund policy. Just email us at and we'll process a refund if this course is not a fit for your business.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can reach me and my team by emailing We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

About Your Email Marketing Coach

Cindy Bidar

I’ve been an email marketer since the early days of my business, but I struggled with it for years. I was nervous about selling to my subscribers. I worried that I was being too pushy, or that my community would revolt if I promoted too often. 

Then I discovered what it meant to really serve my subscribers through email, and how to craft profitable messages that make sales without being overly aggressive or annoying. In fact, my subscribers even write to thank me for telling them about an offer!

That single shift has allowed me to grow my list (and my profits), and it will help you, too. I'll show you how inside Selling With Email. 

Selling With Email:

How to Write Emails That Engage Your Subscribers and Earn a Profit, too!

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