Discover a Step-by-Step Plan to Drive

Consistent, Reliable, and Profitable Traffic

To Your Website Day In and Day Out

Without spending a fortune on Facebook ads or burying yourself in keyword research for the next year.

I bet at some point in your online career you've asked yourself about traffic. We all have.

Everyone tells us to create compelling opt-ins and beautiful websites and products that solve specific problems. We know we need those things, but what no one mentions is how to get them in front of the real people with real interest in what we have to offer (and real money to spend)!

No Traffic = No Business

So we spend our time writing blog posts no one reads and blasting our Facebook page with updates that reach a tiny percentage of our fans and Tweeting into a sea of links that all vanish in an instant. 

Or maybe you're more strategic than that. Maybe you're buying Facebook ads (at least they have better reach) or you've taken an SEO course and you're fighting your way to the top of the search results. 

Maybe you even get invited to guest blog or appear on podcasts or speak on stage. 

All of those things will bring you a trickle of traffic. And maybe that trickle even grows into a tiny stream, but are you sure it's working? 

Because there's something else you have to know before you can successfully drive traffic. 

Not All Traffic is Good Traffic

Here's the truth about website traffic: More is not always better.

What really matters is attracting the right traffic through the right channels to the right pages.

Because when those three things align, magic happens.

  • A bigger email list. With an average 3800% ROI, list-building should be every small business owner's number one priority, but without the right traffic, you'll never gain any traction here.
  • More sales. That's just simple math. More eyes on your sales pages = more money in your bank account... but only if those eyes are interested in what you have to offer.
  • Sustainable, predictable growth. Say goodbye to the feast or famine financial cycles that make you want to give it all up and just get a job already.
  • More free time. Stop hustling for every sale and start enjoying the benefits of business ownership instead! It's possible when you know your audience and how to get your offers in front of them.

Not only that but when you're attracting the right people to your site, interaction increases. They'll stay longer, click more, and share what they find with their friends. Those are all subtle signs to the search engines (and others) that you're an authority in your niche and that your content is worthy of their attention.

The only thing you need to get you there is an action plan...

The Six-Figure Traffic System:

How to Drive a Steady Stream of Visitors to Grow Your Mailing List, Make More Sales, and Increase Your Impact

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In just a few short lessons, I'll give you all the tools you need to create a traffic plan that grows your business without sucking up all your time. Each lesson includes audio or video training plus checklists and worksheets to help you take action fast.

Lesson 1:

Polish Up Your Landing Pages to Make a Great (and Profitable) First Impression

Before you spend even one minute of your precious time driving traffic to a page, you absolutely must make sure it's ready for company. In this lesson, we'll look at both the back end must-haves as well as your curb appeal, so you get the best ROI on your traffic investment.

  • Three types of tracking pixels (almost) all your landing pages must have, and two free tools to use to ensure your pixels are installed and working properly. Don't miss this step! Without proper tracking, your traffic-driving efforts will be the digital equivalent of throwing spaghetti against the wall.
  • What to look for on existing pages before you send more traffic their way. It makes zero sense to continue to show off pages that just don't work, so we'll look at two key metrics that tell the whole story.
  • When you should be concerned about certain landing page stats, and when it probably doesn't matter much at all. Once you understand this, analyzing your results will be a breeze (and you'll worry less about wasted effort, too)!

Don't worry if this sounds techy and overwhelming either. You only have to do most of it once, and I'll give you the complete step-by-step plan to make it easy and painless.

Lesson 2: 

How to Serve a Crowd By Better Understanding Every Visitor's Needs

There are literally dozens of ways to drive traffic to your landing pages, but not all traffic is created equally. In this lesson, we'll dig into the

You'll learn... 

  • How to accurately gauge the quality of traffic you receive (and why knowing this is critical to your time budget AND your profits).
  • The three types of visitors every website needs to survive and grow, and how to ensure you're sending them to the right resources. If you get this wrong, you'll not only be wasting your time, but you'll lose out on potential sales, too!
  • The one thing you must know about every visitor... and how to find out!

Lesson 3: 

Understanding the 3 Bs of Website Traffic

Every online business faces the same choice. Should you build, borrow, or buy your traffic? In this lesson, we'll go over the ideal uses for each method, and why a good mix is the key to long-term success.


You'll learn...

  • The exact type of traffic that matches your traffic-driving method. Taking the time to fully understand this will mean the difference between a profitable traffic strategy and wasted efforts (and money), so don't skip over this lesson!
  • Why most small business owners default to a single method, and how you can avoid this costly mistake.
  • How to match your visitor and her needs with the traffic method to create the best possible user experience (and the highest probability of a long-term relationship, too)!

Lesson 4: 

Design a Custom Traffic Strategy That Gets Massive Results

No two businesses are exactly alike, and no cookie-cutter traffic plan will work for all. In lesson 4, I'll give you the steps to take to create your own unique plan that gets the results you want for your business.

You'll learn...

  • Identify your most important landing pages based on your business goals (I'll help you out with some real-world examples).
  • Uncover the right type of traffic for each landing page, so you never waste a single click or disappoint another visitor.
  • Find the exact people who will most benefit from what your landing page has to offer. Let's face it, the wrong traffic is worse than no traffic at all, so this step is critical to your success.

Lesson 5:

Easy Cut-and-Paste Systems for Endless Traffic

As with all things in your business, consistency counts when it comes to driving traffic.

Use my done-for-you traffic checklists to:

  • Evaluate the critical impact-to-effort scale so you can avoid spending time on traffic that may never pay off.
  • Easily determine which type of visitor is the best fit for each traffic method... and even what pages to send them to for maximum impact!
  • Make quick work of every traffic-driving plan. Stop wondering what to do, and instead get down to actually doing it so you can get out of your office for once and feel confident that your traffic will continue to grow.

Lesson 6:

Create a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Action Plan Perfect for Busy Entrepreneurs

No more confusion or overwhelm when it comes to creating traffic. This done-for-you Trello board with its daily, weekly, and monthly plan will ensure you're making the exact right moves every single day to grow your website traffic. You'll get...

  • A fully configured Trello board you can simply copy into your own account and put to use immediately (or even assign to a team member for a total hands-off approach).
  • Tips for customizing the workflow to fit your unique style and business needs. Like any great recipe, your traffic action plan will work best when you put a bit of your own personality into it.
  • PDF versions of each checklist so you can easily add them to the project management tool of your choice, or just use them as is (perfect for those who don't like or use Trello).

Lesson 7:

Do More of What Works and Eliminate the Rest

Smart business owners (like you!) are always looking for ways to reduce effort and improve results. In lesson 7, we'll dig into your traffic numbers and figure out exactly what they mean, so you can...

  • Confidently say yes (or hell no) to new opportunities that come your way
  • Stop wasting time and money trying to appeal to an audience who's just not that into you.
  • Attract your ideal client with ease by providing the resources she desperately needs, and none of what she doesn't.

Imagine what it would mean for your business (and your lifestyle) if you could add 500 new subscribers to your mailing list every month, or sell twice as many coaching packages this year, or fill your membership with happy customers who pay you month after month.

That's the power of traffic, and The Six-Figure Traffic System is your guide to getting there.

Here's everything that's included in the Six-Figure Traffic System

  • 4 audio training lessons you can take anywhereListen right in your member's area or download to your mobile device for learning on the go.
  • 15 printable worksheets and checklists to help you put the strategies and techniques in each lesson to work in your business immediately.
  • 11 easy-to-follow checklists to help you leverage a variety of traffic sources quickly and easily.
  • Done-for-you Trello board with daily, weekly, and monthly plans to maximize your exposure and minimize your efforts. (TIP: Add this to your own Trello account and assign a team member to manage it all!)
Six-Figure Traffic System Cover
  • 3 video lessons give you crystal-clear instructions so you can get to get the most out of each checklist and Trello board, and navigate your traffic analytics with ease.
  • A detailed traffic analysis cheat sheet to quickly identify profitable sources of traffic and eliminate the time sucks that aren't performing.

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If The Six-Figure Traffic System doesn't in any way help you attract more visitors to your most important pages, simply email me within seven days for a prompt, courteous refund. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm just getting started. How can The Six-Figure Traffic System help me?

In this course, I break each traffic generating plan into easy-to-follow steps anyone can do. I even rank them based on their potential impact and the effort required, so you can easily choose the ones that will work for you right now, and leave the rest for later.

I'm an advanced marketer earning a good living. Is there anything here for me?

The gold nuggets for more advanced entrepreneurs are the systemization. I'll make your traffic-driving efforts faster and more efficient, and even give you the step-by-step plans you can hand off to the team if you have one.

Do I need to spend a bunch of money on ads to make this system work?

Nope! While we will touch on paid ads in the training, it's not a requirement for successful traffic generation. It IS something you can keep in your back pocket until you're ready though!

Will this work for [fill in your business model here]?

If your business has an online presence, this training will work for you. It's all about getting the right people to see your best offers, whether that's your blog, your coaching program, your products, or something entirely different.

What if I get stuck?

In every one of my courses, I encourage questions so you'll never be left wondering what to do next. You can ask right on the page, or join my private forum and start a new thread there.

About Your Marketing Coach

Cindy Bidar

I've been building 6- and 7-figure online businesses for almost 11 years, and the one thing that's never changed in all that time is the need for traffic. Without eyes on your offers, you'll struggle to grow.

The Six-Figure Traffic System is your guide to attracting the right traffic to your website, your opt-in offers, and your sales pages... and without spending a fortune on paid ads or wasting a ton of time on strategies that don't work.

It's all of the tools and none of the fluff, so you can put your own systems in place with ease. I look forward to seeing your traffic grow!

The Six-Figure Traffic System:

How to Drive a Steady Stream of Visitors to Grow Your Mailing List, Make More Sales, and Increase Your Impact

Available today for just...

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