How to Easily Plan and Write Multi-Day Email Campaigns to 

Give Your Profits a Boost

(and That Your Subscribers Actually Want to Read… Yes, really)

If you have an email list (and I really hope you do!) then I’m betting that sometimes….

  • You struggle to come up with ideas to share with your subscribers. Let’s face it, creating new content on a frequent basis can be hard!
  • You feel icky when you think about actually promoting a product in an email. Aren’t you supposed to give lots of value first? Jab, jab, and all that?
  • You feel terrible about those six people who unsubscribed, and now you don’t even want to think about emailing again.

And yet everyone keeps telling you that…

Email Marketing is Easy and Profitable, too!

Listen, I know for a lot of small business owners, email is pretty stressful.

You don’t know what to say or how to say it, and so you put it off for days (weeks?). Worse, your list provider is money pit because it costs you money month after month and never earns anything in return.

That’s no way to run a business, so let’s change that.

What if you could never run out of inspiring, informational, and entertaining content to send (even when you’re emailing about the same product for the fifth day in a row)?

What if you could confidently make offers in every single email, while still being seen as a trusted source of valuable information?

What if you could never again worry about being labeled a spammer, even if you sent two or even three emails in a day?

What if you could hear from your subscribers that yours are one of the only email newsletters they look forward to receiving?

And best of all, what if you could dramatically reduce your writing time?

All of those things are possible—even inevitable—with a carefully planned email marketing calendar, and I’ll show you exactly how I do it.

Follow My Step-By-Step Plan For Creating Email Marketing Campaigns That Get Results 

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I am never disappointed with Cindy's courses, and while I have taken some great email marketing courses, I feel this one covered my issue more - lack of knowledge on creating and planning campaigns. I didn't know it until I saw the name of this course, though. And I was like, "I think this is my problem with making more money with my email list."

I wasn't as thoughtful with creating goals and the campaigns in general, and I love that this course showed me the missing pieces or things I didn't do well. I loved it and think this will be a big help in Q4 this year.

Heather Ritchie

Lesson 1: 

How Campaign Planning Creates Higher Profits

If you’ve ever struggled to write a single email (and we all have) then you might be wondering how I can possibly recommend multi-day campaign planning. But the truth is, planning and writing several emails is often easier than creating just one.

In this lesson, I’ll show you why my campaign planning method is not only easier to manage than more common email marketing strategies, but also…

  • How a cohesive email marketing calendar works to drive many more sales than does a less cohesive, more random approach to your email plan.
  • Why careful campaign planning can actually improve your email open rates and position you as the go-to expert in your niche (yes, even when you’re making direct offers).
  • Why multi-day campaigns guarantee more sales (too many email marketers ignore this basic “rule” of marketing, and they pay for it with lower conversions).
  • How to capture the attention of more subscribers simply by lengthening your campaign timeframe (and without running out of things to email about).

Lesson 2: 

Planning an Effective Campaign

Now that you’re on board with the campaign method of email marketing, we’ll turn our attention to what actually goes into an effective campaign.

In this lesson, I’ll share…

  • The one thing you must do before starting any email campaign (and most email marketers put very little thought into it).
  • My rule of tried-and-true rules for determining how much time to spend every campaign, because the last thing you want is to waste emails on promotions that have run their course.
  • Five types of campaigns that aren’t promotional but that will still increase your profits—plus they help keep your open rates high and your subscribers engaged!

Lesson 3:

Calendar Planning for Higher Profits

Did you know that when you schedule your promotions has almost as much effect on your results as how you promote? It’s true! In this lesson, I’ll share…

  • My simple strategy for ensuring your most important promotions get the attention they deserve, while leaving plenty of room for smaller campaigns as well.
  • What to do when there just isn’t room in your calendar for that fantastic promotion you really want to run. Don’t worry, there’s a trick to this that can often bring you even better results that you thought!
  • How to know where each campaign fits into your overall calendar. When you get this right, higher profits are bound to follow.

Lesson 4:

How to Write Emails Your Subscribers Want to Read

If you worry that you’re annoying your subscribers with too many emails, then this lesson is for you. I’m going to give you my tips for crafting email campaigns my subscribers actually look forward to opening, including…

  • How to balance selling with value (and why you don’t even have to worry about this if you follow my plan)
  • How to never run out of things to email about, even if you’re promoting the same offer over several days (or for the third time this year)
  • 7 easy ways to add so much value to your emails that it won’t even feel like selling
  • How even non-writers can create a daily email habit without spending hours at their desk every day

Lesson 5:

Creating Consistent Results

The real key to consistent (and increasing) profits is in the 5 minutes or so you’re going to spend actually looking at and analyzing your results—and yet so many savvy, successful business owners skip this step just because they think it’s too difficult or time consuming. It’s not, and in this lesson, I’ll share…

  • The (free) tool I recommend for managing your campaign calendar, tracking results, and predicting future profits (and a done-for-you template to make it easy to get started)
  • Troubleshooting tips for underperforming campaigns (do this every time and your income is almost guaranteed to increase)
  • Key metrics to know before you plan your next campaign (this one tip can dramatically improve your results, no matter what you’re offering)

Lesson 6:

Advanced Campaign Strategies for More Visibility and Higher Profits

Ready to do more with your amazing, engaging, and profitable campaigns? Lesson six has you covered with…

  • Two ways to double or even triple the number of emails you send (not to mention your profits) and how to do it without annoying your subscribers—in fact, they’ll thank you for it!
  • How to leverage other content for a more cohesive marketing strategy that attracts a wider market
  • How to use content you’ve already created to cut your writing time dramatically
  • How to continue to earn from your best performing campaigns, long after they’ve ended

I’ve even included a true “over the shoulder” video demonstrating how I set my desk up for recording. It’s an easy system anyone can use, and once you see it in action, your course production will be so much easier!


How to Choose the Right Email Marketing Provider for Your Business

If you’re considering upgrading to a new list provider, be sure you read this guide first to avoid making a move you’ll regret down the road. In it, I distill my 10-year experience with email marketing providers to the most important elements, such as…

  • Critical terms to understand before you go shopping for a new provider (spend five minutes in this section to finally put an end to email platform confusion).
  • Why you might regret it if you shop by price alone (and what to look for instead).
  • Tools to never consider (even though they sound really promising) and why.
  • The only real way to know for sure which email provider is right for your business.

After taking this course, I finally feel like I can create a good structure for my email marketing campaigns. These lessons really connected the bits of information I knew and added some new ideas so I feel much more confident making a system of emailing that will actually work. I'm going to go through the course a second time because it's so valuable. Thanks, Cindy!

Elizabeth Kennedy

 Here’s Exactly What You’ll Find Inside Email Marketing Campaigns

  • 6 video lessons with proven, step-by-step strategies any email marketer can follow and that will make promotion planning easier and more profitable.
  • Full transcripts and audio downloads let you study the materials in the way you prefer—online, on the go, or printed out for easier note taking.
  • Printable worksheets and checklists to help you implement what you learn in each lesson. Prefer to go paperless? You can type into all the worksheets, too!
  • My personal email tracker template to help you plan your campaigns, track your results, and make the best decisions about future promotions.
  • BONUS guide with my best tips for what to look for if you're shopping for a new email provider (and what you definitely want to avoid).
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If Email Marketing Campaigns doesn't in any way make planning and writing your emails easier and less stressful (not to mention more profitable), simply email me within seven days for a prompt, courteous refund.

This course has given me more confidence to send emails and plan them out! Thank you.

Merilee Speigner

Frequently Asked Questions

I already have a mailing list and it’s pretty active. Why do I need this course?

Email Marketing Campaigns will help you earn more from an existing list by helping you reach more buyers, reduce your writing time, and create more profits from every campaign you send.

I’m brand new to email marketing. Will this work for me?

Yes, because it will help you create more profitable campaign plans right from the start. By adopting this system now, while you’re brand new, you’ll never have to look back at your email list as a missed opportunity you wish you’d done more with in the beginning.

I’m a Six-Figure Systems member. Should I buy this?

Nope! It’s already in your members area!

Do I have to use a specific platform or software for this to work?

No. The strategies you’ll learn in this course will work in any email platform.

What’s the difference between this and Email Marketing Momentum?

Email Marketing Momentum focuses on setting up the systems that lead to greater consistency in your marketing. Email Marketing Campaigns is all about planning multi-day email promotions to create better list engagement and drive more sales.

Is this PLR (private label rights) content?

No, these resources are for your personal use only. You may not repurpose or resell them, or give them away to your clients or others. Virtual assistants, freelancers and others MAY use the strategies they learn to improve client projects.

What if I decide this course just isn't for me? Can I get a refund? 

Absolutely! We have a generous 7-day, no questions asked refund policy. Just send us an email to and we'll process a refund if this course is not a fit for your business.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can reach me and my team by emailing We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

About Your Email Marketing Coach

Cindy Bidar

I’ve been an email marketer since the early days of my business, but I struggled with it for years. I wasn’t consistent in anything. I wasn’t consistent about emailing my subscribers. I wasn’t consistent about promoting my products or services. And I definitely was not consistent with my profits (no surprise there).

Then I discovered what it meant to email with intention. Instead of struggling with one-off emails that felt (and were) random and disconnected, I started creating longer campaigns, and not only did my profits increase, but it became a whole lot easier to write and send those emails, too.

Now I no longer have to wonder what I’ll email today (or any day) or if I’ll earn enough to cover my expenses. That’s exactly what I want to help you achieve with Email Marketing Campaigns: How to Fill Your Calendar With Engaging Offers That Get Results.

Email Marketing Campaigns

How to Fill Your Calendar With Engaging Offers That Get Results

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