Create your digital course in just 4 weeks!

Even if you’ve tried before and given up in frustration!

Let me ask you something.

What’s stopping you from cashing in on the $300 billion-dollar online learning craze?

Because here’s what I know:

Everyone is an expert at something (yes, even you), and if you have the dream of creating a digital course, then you owe it to yourself to make it happen.

Maybe your course dreams have been sidetracked by…  

Technology overwhelm. With all the possible ways to create a course, it’s easy to get trapped in analysis paralysis and never actually get anything done. Worse, you might mistakenly believe that you have to invest hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars in membership software, teleprompters, video cameras, mixers, and all kinds of other tools.

Course bloat. Maybe you’ve tried before to map out a course, but got discouraged when you couldn’t figure out how much (or what) information to include, and before you knew it, you were looking at 47 modules and who knows how much video time. Ugh.

The messy middle. Yeah, that’s a real thing. Getting over the hump is hard when you’re trying to go it alone. You get bored (we all do) or you begin to second-guess your curriculum or your tech choices, and all of a sudden it’s been six months since you so much as looked at your outline.

None of those are reasons to give up!

What would it mean for your course creation goals to have a proven process to follow? One that takes you from the tiniest spark of an idea to a completed, ready-for-enrollment digital course?

What if in just four weeks you could completely eliminate all the hurdles that have kept you from success in the past? 

Let me take you by the hand inside the 2024 Course Creation Challenge

This four-week training program is everything you need to finally get your course launched.  

Even if you’ve tried before and gave up when it got too hard. 

Even if you’ve been “working on” your course for months (years!) and it’s still not done. 

Even if you’re stuck in technology overwhelm. 

And yes, even if you don’t have a clue how to pull it all together. 

I got you. And I created this training course JUST for you!

If any of these sound like you, you’re in the right place…

  • You’ve bought course after course and while they’re all filled with great ideas, you just can’t seem to implement what you learn.
  • You’ve been promising yourself you’re going to get your course finished (for real this time) but you can’t find the time to sit down and just do it.
  • You’re not even sure how a course is put together. Like, what do you do first? How do you decide what to include? How much is too much? What about the tech? Ugh! It’s all so overwhelming!

What Cindy's students say about her courses

One of the things I appreciate about your training is that it is very logically set out in steps. This is the best investment I've made. I suddenly had a lot of clarity about where my strengths were, how to approach setting up and implementing a marketing plan, and the overwhelm and bewildered feelings disappeared. I am writing a 3 month plan this weekend and am confident I can achieve goals.
Cindy is very direct, and says a lot with few words, is very well thought out.

Marie Hansen

Here’s what you get when you join me for this 4-week training.

  • Daily training and action plans. Each weekday of the challenge you’ll receive a short video lesson and worksheet to complete. All you have to do is follow along. At the end of the challenge, you’ll have a completed course that’s ready to sell.
  • Accountability and answers to your questions. I’ve created a private space inside our members-only forum for students to brainstorm together, and for me to answer any question that comes up for you.
  • A proven, step-by-step course-creation process that just works. I’ve created and sold more than 70 courses for over $1,300,000 in revenue using this exact process. It works for me, it works for my members, and it will work for you, too.
  • Step-by-step tech set-up instructions to get your course materials uploaded to Teachable and ready for students to access. If tech is your stumbling block, we’re going to eliminate that hurdle together. Don’t worry though—while I’ve chosen Teachable because of the low barrier to entry and easy set-up process, you’re welcome to use any other platform if you prefer. I’m not familiar with every course platform out there, but I’ll do my best to answer whatever questions you might have.
  • Prizes! Yep, I’m awarding prizes to all who finish creating their course before November 10, 2024 (I’m giving you an entire extra week to get it done, because… well, life). Everyone who finishes wins a personal sales page video review. I’ll give you pointers for stronger headlines, better benefits, and help you clarify the pain points and transformation that will make your course irresistible.

Can you really create a course in just four weeks?

Absolutely! I’ve done it time and time again, and I’ve perfected the process, and that’s exactly what I’ll share with you in our four weeks together. Here’s how it works. 

We’re going to start with the important decisions that will shape your course and how you’ll create it. I’ll help you choose your topic, your format, your tech, and even your timeline, so when we head into week two, you’re ready to make real progress. 

Our first full week together is where the fun begins. I’ll show you how to quickly outline your course and write your video scripts. And don’t worry if you think you can’t write, because the writing part is totally optional. 

Starting October 14, we’ll be working on slide decks and video recording and editing. I know this can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before, but I have some tricks up my sleeve to make even the most camera shy business owners feel more comfortable creating video lessons.

The week of October 21 is all about creating more engagement with interactive elements. I’ll show you how to create useful worksheets and other downloadables for your students, plus we’ll get everything uploaded to your course platform. I’ll even show you how to effectively price your course. 

Finally, the final days of the month we’ll work on your sales page. I’ll give you a template you can follow to make writing your sales page easy, even if you think you can’t write.  

Ok, but why can’t I just study this at my own pace?

You could. That’s how most of my courses work, and it’s likely how the courses you’ve taken in the past work, too. But here’s the thing…

The majority—not many, or most, but the vast majority—of people never finish the courses they buy. As a course creator, that just makes me sad. And that’s why the 2024 Course Creation Challenge is different.

For four weeks, I’ll be just as invested in your success as you are, and I’ll be right there with you as you create your course.

Not only that, but with daily action plans and a dedicated forum for masterminding and connecting with others on the same journey, you’ll be much more likely to finish October with a brand new course ready for sale.

Imagine 2024 being the year you FINALLY have…

  • Your finished course up and running and ready for students to enroll. No more overthinking. No more saying “someday I’ll make a course.” No more questioning if you have what it takes (because you totally do).
  • A compelling sales page that makes your ideal customer practically drool with anticipationeven if you’ve never written sales copy before in your life.
  • Videos? Done! Technology? Wrangled! Worksheets? Ready to roll! All that will remain is for you to let the world know your course is ready for enrollment. And believe me, you'll be so thrilled with your results that you'll be shouting it from the rooftops!

What Cindy's students say about her courses

I am never disappointed with Cindy's courses, and while I have taken some great email marketing courses, I feel this one covered my issue more - lack of knowledge on creating and planning campaigns. I didn't know it until I saw the name of this course, though. And I was like, "I think this is my problem with making more money with my email list." I wasn't as thoughtful with creating goals and the campaigns in general, and I love that this course showed me the missing pieces or things I didn't do well. I loved it and think this will be a big help in Q4 this year.

Heather Ritchie

Two ways to participate in the Course Creation Challenge

I’d love to have you join me for the 2024 Course Creation Challenge, so I’m making it super easy, with two ways to join us.

Option 1: Register for the challenge and be ready to join us starting October 1, 2024. You get everything I’ve talked about on this page, including all the training and support you need to create your course and sales page.

Option 2: Become a Six-Figure Systems member and get the Course Creation Challenge FREE as a part of your membership, along with 70+ additional courses, toolkits and workshops replay, monthly mindset coaching calls, monthly open office calls, twice-monthly Q & A calls, live workshops and access to our private members only community.

Course Creation Challenge

Daily Action Plans Take You From Idea to Launch in Just 4 Weeks

Course Creation Challenge Only



one time fee

Your Purchase Includes

  • Daily video lessons and worksheets to guide you in your course development
  • Time management ideas to put an end to “someday” thinking
  • Set-up instructions to eliminate technical overwhelm
  • Private community for support, masterminding, and accountability
  • Finisher prizes to reward you for a job well done!



one time fee

What Cindy's students say about her courses

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If the 2024 Course Creation Challenge doesn't help you with your course creation goals, simply email me before October 8, 2024 for a prompt, courteous refund.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for (fill in your business model here)? 

This training is designed for content creators, coaches, freelancers and others who want to better leverage their time and reach a wider audience by teaching what they know.

What if I’m brand new? 

This challenge was made just for you. I’ll help you go from no idea to finished course (including marketing assets) in just 28 days. Bring your commitment to getting it done, and I’ll walk you through the steps you need to get there.

I already have a thriving business. Is there anything here for me?

More experienced business owners will learn some time-saving strategies for creating and launching a digital course fast. If you’re used to spending months on a single course, this might just be the change of pace you’re looking for.

I'm a Six-Figure Systems member. Should I buy this?

Nope! You’ll be invited to the challenge (watch for an email with details) and the course will be available in your members area.

How is this training delivered?

This is a cohort-based challenge with daily action plans. We start on October 1, 2024, and each day a new lesson will drop into your course dashboard. Plus, we’ll have ongoing discussions about each day’s training inside a private forum. You’ll be able to get real time help not just from me, but from other course creators, too.

I've taken some of your other courses. What's the value here for me? 

If you’ve studied Tiny Course Empire, Sales Pages That Convert, or Quick & Easy Course Creation, you’ll recognize some of the teaching in this course. But if you’ve taken those courses (or others) and still don’t have your course launched, then the value you’ll find in the Course Creation Challenge is simple.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

There’s nothing quite like a course where everyone is working towards the same goal. The accountability and support you’ll recieve can mean the difference between crossing the finish line with a course of your own ready to sell, and yet another failed attempt.

How much time will this take? 

For best results, plan to spend an hour each day (Monday through Friday) on your action items. Some days will take much less time, and some may take more. We won’t drop new lessons on the weekends, so you’re free to take them off if you like, or use that extra time to catch up if necessary.

Is this PLR (private label rights) content?

No, these resources are for your personal use only. You may not repurpose or resell them, or give them away to your clients or others. Virtual assistants, freelancers and others MAY use the strategies they learn to improve client projects.

What if I decide this challenge just isn't for me? Can I get a refund? 

Absolutely! We have a generous 7-day, no questions asked refund policy. Just send us an email by October 8, 2024, and we'll process a refund if this challenge is not a fit for your business.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can reach me and my team by emailing We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

About your course creation coach

Cindy Bidar

In 2018 I kissed a six-figure virtual assistant business buh-bye so I could own my schedule again, and I launched a course- and membership-based business instead. I leveraged a decade of online experience to create more than 70 online courses and earn more than $1,300,000 in sales in just four short years.

You could say I know a thing or two about creating courses.

I’ve perfected a system that makes quick work of all the moving pieces that can keep you feeling stuck and overwhelmed, such as “How much is too much information?” And “How should I price this?" And even, “Where should I host my videos?”

You can’t hire me as your coach, but you CAN learn my systems and put them to work in your own business. We start October 1, and I hope you’ll join us.

Course Creation Challenge

Daily Action Plans Take You From Idea to Launch in Just 4 Weeks

Course Creation Challenge Only



one time fee

Your Purchase Includes

  • Daily video lessons and worksheets to guide you in your course development
  • Time management ideas to put an end to “someday” thinking
  • Set-up instructions to eliminate technical overwhelm
  • Private community for support, masterminding, and accountability
  • Finisher prizes to reward you for a job well done!



one time fee

* Two months of Six-Figure Systems access required to complete the course. You may cancel at any time.

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