Course creators and digital product sellers, your ideal buyers are out there. If you’re struggling to find them, here’s how to…

 Easily Get Industry Experts and Influencers to Share Your Courses and Products With Their Communities 

Your course or product is complete. You worked hard on it. It’s beautifully designed and it fills a real need for your ideal customer.

The missing piece? How do you get it in front of the buying market who needs it most?

That’s a dilemma every digital product seller faces, and the good news is you have a lot of options. You’ve probably already tried many of them.

We’re all constantly distracted by…

  • Content marketing
  • Social marketing
  • Paid ads
  • List-building
  • Viral contests

But what if I told you there is a surefire way to sell your course or product that won’t take weeks (months!) to do, doesn’t require you to have a list of thousands, and that won’t cost your mortgage payment in up-front ad spend?

Expand Your Audience by Borrowing the Authority of Trusted Experts

Imagine what it would mean for your course or product sales to have well-known leaders in your niche singing your praises to their social followers, email subscribers, blog readers, and podcast listeners.

That’s exactly what can happen when you create an affiliate program to market your course.

Consider the benefits…

  • An instant credibility boost thanks to the good word from a few niche authorities.
  • Access to a wider audience, much faster than you could build it yourself.
  • No up-front ad spend to worry about recouping. If your affiliates don’t make sales, they don’t get paid, so there’s zero risk to you.

…and I think you’ll agree that creating an affiliate program is the perfect solution for getting a course or digital product business off the ground quickly.

Affiliate Program Success:

How to Build a Team of Raving Fans Who Say "YES!" to Promoting Your Courses 

Ready to build your own team of affiliates who will happily (and profitably) promote your courses and programs to their audiences? It’s easier than you think, and in this brand new course, I’ll walk you through all the steps—and help you avoid the pitfalls, too.

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This course was so good, it gave me a great understanding of what and how to start an affiliate program! Outstanding information and as usual, Cindy goes above and beyond my expectations on the amount of content she provides for each and every course.

Steffany Aye

Lesson 1: 

Understanding How Affiliate Programs Work

Online business and all the tech involved can be confusing. Add to that an affiliate tracking program, and many course creators throw up their hands in frustration.

In this lesson, I’ll explain (in plain English) exactly how an affiliate program works, including:

  • Terms you must know before you can choose, build, and promote your affiliate program. By the end of this lesson, you’ll fully understand even cryptic sounding phrases such as cookie duration and third-party tracking pixels, as well as what they mean to your potential affiliates.
  • Exactly how referrals are tracked and commissions calculated. Make no mistake, top affiliates know these details inside and out, and you need to as well if you want to create an appealing affiliate program.
  • Why you shouldn’t be worried about Google Chrome and tracking cookies. There’s a lot of worrisome rumors out there about cookies. Will Google’s policies kill your affiliate program before it has a chance to begin? No, and I’ll explain why in this lesson.

Plus, I’ve added a printable cheat sheet with all the terms you need to know, so you won’t run into any confusion as you’re building out your affiliate program.

Lesson 2: 

Setting Yourself Up for Success

Creating an enticing affiliate system that top influencers and experts are eager to promote isn’t hard, but there are some common mistakes to watch out for along the way. In this lesson, I’ll help you get clear on…

  • Whether you’re really ready to start an affiliate program. If you want to attract top affiliates, you must have a few elements in place. I’ll show you exactly what affiliate marketers look for, so you can create a program they’ll be excited to join.
  • How to choose the right software for tracking referrals. Not all affiliate programs are trustworthy, and choosing the wrong one can turn potential affiliates off. I’ll help you find the right choice for you, your customers, and your affiliates.
  • How to set up your commission structure and other payment details. Money is the first thing your new affiliates will ask about. Setting this up correctly from the beginning can make you stand out in a crowd of other product sellers.

To make it easy, I’ve included cheat sheets and checklists to help you make good decisions and ensure you’ve considered all the options.

Lesson 3:

Finding and Recruiting Top Affiliates

Your main job as the affiliate program owner is reaching out to potential affiliate partners. In this lesson, I’ll share my top tips for building a profitable affiliate team, including…

  • My favorite places to find potential partners. There’s no shortage of affiliates looking for programs to promote, and in this lesson I’ll show you how to easily find them.
  • How to “sell” your program to a potential affiliate. It might surprise you to learn that WIIFM is less important to an affiliate partner than WIIFMA. I’ll show you how to quickly zero in on the benefits that really matter.
  • The number one mistake new affiliate program managers make when reaching out to potential affiliates. It’s easy to do, and I’ll give you a few simple tricks to avoid it.

I’m even including copy and paste email templates you can use to make a great first impression with your new affiliates. You don’t have to start from scratch, just fill in the details about your program and click “send”!

Lesson 4:

Building Solid Relationships With Your Affiliates

An affiliate program is not a “set it and forget it” sales machine. It’s your job as the program owner to ensure your affiliates are well cared for, so in this lesson, we’ll cover…

  • How to stay in touch with your affiliates, and why establishing a regular contact schedule is critical. Without frequent contact, all the work you did to find and recruit affiliates is at risk. Follow this easy plan to stay front of mind.
  • How to create a personal outreach plan that grows your affiliate list, solidifies your relationships, and doesn’t leave you feeling overwhelmed.
  • How top affiliate programs make it easy for affiliates to be successful, and some must-have assets your affiliates will appreciate.

Included with this lesson you’ll find email templates to make creating those outreach emails easy, as well as a tracker to help ensure your personal contact plan goes off without a hitch.

Lesson 5:

Paying Your Affiliates

It’s payday! Depending on the platform you’re using, you may need to manually pay out for your affiliates, so in this lesson I’ll show you exactly how to manage this through your PayPal account.

We’ll go over…

  • How to set up your PayPal account to make affiliate payments.
  • How to properly format the file to upload to PayPal. Don’t worry if you’ve never used a CSV file before, I’ll show you exactly what you need to do.
  • What you need to know about fees so you don’t risk annoying your new affiliates.

You’ll get everything you need to make paying affiliates easier, including a CSV file template, payment notification template, and a payout checklist to make sure you don’t miss any critical steps along the way.

Lesson 6:

Managing a Thriving Affiliate Program

One of the best things you can do for your affiliates is to make it easy for them to be successful. In this lesson, we’ll look at all the tools great affiliate program owners accomplish this, including…

  • How to make it easy for your affiliates to promote you. When you get this right, you’ll enjoy repeat promotions and far greater success with your affiliates.
  • How to plan your launch schedule to give affiliates adequate time to promote. You don’t have to be weeks ahead, but it does pay off to give your affiliates some room for planning. I’ll show you exactly how I plan my schedule with affiliates in mind.
  • What you need to know about your own program stats so you can increase your success rates. Knowing just a few numbers will help you recommend better promotions and keep in touch with your top earners.

I’ve even included printable checklists and a planning calendar to ensure your program continues to run like clockwork!

Lesson 7:

Avoiding Common Affiliate Program Mistakes

I’ve seen so many promising affiliate programs fade away thanks to a handful of (completely avoidable) mistakes. That’s not going to happen to you though, because in this lesson, we’re going to focus on…

  • The big affiliate turn offs. Avoid doing these things, because even though they might seem like a good idea, your potential affiliates will not agree. They’ll quickly decide to promote another provider instead.
  • Common mistakes that new (and even some established) affiliate program owners make that can cause bad feelings between you and your affiliates.
  • Affiliate program (and even business) destroyers you simply cannot afford to fall victim to—and how to set up your systems so you never have to worry about them.

I’m including a sales page checklist to help you avoid the number one turn-off for new affiliates. Don’t miss these critical steps if you’re hoping to build a launch team for your next course!

I've just scanned through here but I'm sure that when I read and mark it up I will be able to improve my budding affiliate marketing processes. I rarely see a course that is thorough and laid out well, and this one surely is. Thank you for always doing such a first class job!

Sue Painter

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If Affiliate Program Success doesn't help eliminate the confusion and make running an affiliate program easier, simply email me within seven days for a prompt, courteous refund.   

Paying My Affiliates is My Favorite Thing to Do

To date, I’ve paid out more than $250,000 in commissions to affiliates like Kelly McCausey, and I’m thrilled to do it. Those payments translate directly to profits in my bank account, and my affiliates have allowed me to grow my business much more quickly than I could have done on my own.

You can do the same, no matter what niche you're in or how new you are!

 Here’s Exactly What You’ll Find Inside Affiliate Program Success

  • 7 video lessons to walk you through every step of the process from making critical decisions about commissions and cookies, to avoiding potentially deadly affiliate program mistakes.
  • 8 copy-and-paste email templates to make it easy for you to reach out to potential affiliates and stay in touch with your current partners.
  • 7 fillable worksheets, checklists, and cheat sheets to make setting up and managing your affiliate program a breeze. Add these to your SOPs to easily train your team as well.
  • AND answers to your affiliate program questions, too! Just post a question on any lesson where you're feeling stuck, and I'll pop in with an answer for you, typically in less than 24 hours.
Affiliate Program Success Cover

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I found the lesson about the mistakes really helpful, as well as the information on finding and recruiting affiliates and building great relationships with them. There's a lot to consider and it was really helpful to have someone who is so successful (and methodical) explain everything so clearly.

Suzanne S Farmer

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If Affiliate Program Success doesn't help eliminate the confusion and make running an affiliate program easier, simply email me for a prompt, courteous refund.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this work for (fill in your niche here)

Yes! You’ll find affiliate programs in every niche from arts and crafts to health and wellness. If there’s a buying audience and industry experts to guide them, then an affiliate program will definitely find a home there.

Do I need to be using any specific software for this to work?

No. The strategies taught in this course will work with any software choice. We’ll look at several affiliate platform examples and weigh the pros and cons of each, plus I’ll give you my tips for choosing the right one for your business.

 I'm a Six-Figure Systems member. Should I buy this?

Nope! This one is already in your member's area. :)

How is this training delivered?

This is a video course, so you can log into the member's area and watch when it's convenient for you. Plus, we offer full transcripts and audio downloads if you prefer those formats instead.

Is this PLR (private label rights) content?

No, these resources are for your personal use only. You may not repurpose or resell them, or give them away to your clients or others. Virtual assistants, freelancers and others MAY use the strategies they learn to improve client projects.

What if I decide this course just isn't for me? Can I get a refund?

Absolutely! We have a generous 7-day, no questions asked refund policy. Just send us an email and we'll process a refund if this course is not a fit for your business.

I have other questions, how can I contact you?

You can reach me and my team by emailing We’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

About Your Affiliate Program Guide

Cindy Bidar

Since 2018, I’ve been creating courses (35+ so far) and promoting them primarily through a team of 300+ affiliates. My business has more than tripled in that time, my email list is filled with buyers who purchase again and again, and I didn’t have to spend a dime on paid ads, wait months for Google to send me traffic, or waste hours every day on social media.

I want to help you achieve your sales goals, and an affiliate program is the fastest way to get there.

Affiliate Program Success:

How to Build a Team of Raving Fans Who Say "YES!" to Promoting Your Courses

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